
Spaceclaim tutorial
Spaceclaim tutorial

This post is a road map for anyone willing to start learning SpaceClaim online for free from scratch, the post will present and compare between the best online sources where beginners can start from and follow along, the sources stated in this post are full structured courses so you won’t find a link to a single video or a group of unrelated tutorials.

spaceclaim tutorial

Learning SpaceClaim is very helpful for anyone working in the MCAD (Mechanical CAD) field as it can help them in either modifying existing designs created by other 3D CAD software or even create whole new designs from scratch. SpaceClaim is a direct modelling 3D CAD (Computer Aided Design) software unlike SolidWorks and Autodesk Inventor which are parametric CAD software, it has been gaining popularity recently due to its flexibility, ease of learning and ease of use, SpaceClaim was acquired by Ansys in May 2014.

Spaceclaim tutorial